Multi 2 Diamond


From BobRobs lessons.
1. The Bid.
2. Defence against Multi 2 D.
3. Coping with Interference.


1. The Bid:

      Can be (a) Weak 6 card major; 6 to 10 points
           Or     (b) 8 playing tricks in a minor
           Or     (c) 20 to 22 points balanced hand


2H.     0 to14 points

2S.      8 to14 points and at least 4 Hearts

2NT.   15 plus points (any distribution)

3H.     14 points exactly with tolerance for both majors

Openers Re-bid.

If response was 2H, then:

Pass.   Weak 6 card heart suit

2S.      Weak 6 card spade suit

2NT.   20 to 22 points

3C.      8 playing tricks in clubs

3D.     8 playing tricks in diamonds

If response was 2S, then:

Pass.   Weak 6 card spade suit

3H.     Weak 6 card heart suit

2NT.   20 to 22 points

3C.      8 playing tricks in clubs

3D.     8 playing tricks in diamonds

If response was 2NT, then:

3C.      Weak 6 card hearts 6 to 8 points

3D.     Weak 6 card spades 6 to 8 points

3H.     Strong 6 card hearts 9 to 10 points   

3S.      Strong 6 card spades 9 to 10 points

3NT.   8 playing tricks in a minor


If you had (c) the 20 to 22 point hand, Slam could be on.
Responders Re-bid  - Transfer, Baron or Flint.



2. Defence against Multi 2 Diamond - Don’t forget to Alert!


Having mastered the bidding of the Multi 2 D, you are now in a position to offer some defence

when it is bid against you. It is all a matter of LOGIC.

Opener You as Opponent  Responder You as Opponent
2D Double with at least 12 pts AND AT LEAST 4 Diamonds Otherwise Pass, even with 20pts-you will have a chance to bid later! 2H or 2S (a) Double with 12 pts and await developments. or (b) Bid 3C (5 card suit) or 3D (4 card suit) or (c) pass with Hearts and Spades.

(a) Leave double in with Suit bid or bid 2NT with 12 pts and hold in suit bid

(b) Bid 2S, 3C, 3D, 3H, 3NT (13+pts and good hold in suit bid)

2D Double as above 2NT

(a) with Hearts and Spades Pass & await developments (b) 6/7 pts, bid 3C (5 card suit) or 3D (4card suit)

2D Pass 2H or 2S (a) Double with 12+pts & await developments (b) With two 5 card minors, bid 2NT (c)  With one 5 card minor, bid it (d) Otherwise PASS
2D Pass 2NT Pass and await developments even with 19 pt- you will get another bid.


IF you have mastered the bidding of the Multi 2D, then coping with interference is logical,

with doubles and use of bids that follow on from normal bidding      


3. Coping with interference - Don’t forget to Alert!           


(A) By Left Hand Opponent:


Opener: L.H. Opponent: Responder
2D Double Ignore Double--Bid 2H, 2S, 2NT
2D 2H Double, if this was to be your bid. Pass if your bid was 2S (shows hearts) Bid 2NT with 15+ points—NO guarantee of hold in Hearts.
2D 2S

Double if this was to be your bid (showing hearts). Pass if bid was to be 2H Bid 2NT with 15+ pts---NO guarantee of hold in Spades.

2D 3C or 3D

Double with 15+ points—no guarantee of hold in Clubs or Diamonds. Bid 3H with 3 or 4 Hearts AND Spades, and 8-14 pts—this can be passed by Opener or 3S bid. Otherwise Pass.

2D 2NT(either for Minors or Majors, or Very rarely 19-20 pts) Double with 15+ pts (not for penalties) If unusual for minors. Bid 3H with 3 or 4 hearts and spades, and 8—14 pts Otherwise Pass.



(B) By Right Hand Opponent:


Opener: L.H.Opponent Responder: R.H. Opponent


Ignore Double --

Normal Rebids



Pass 2H, 2S, SNT Double


Pass if 2S rebid

Pass if 2H rebid

Double if 2NT rebid

Bid 3C or 3D if rebid

Pass 2H 2S


Bid 3H if heart suit

Pass if spades

Double if 2NT

Pass 2S 2NT (for Minors)


Bid 3H or 3S

Pass if your suit

Bid 3D over 3C

Double with 20/22 pts

Pass 2H or 2S 3C or 3D


Pass if heart suit

Bid 3S if suit

Double with 20/22 pts

Bid 4C or 4D if suit

Pass 2H 3H


Pass if Spade suit

Bid 4H if suit (?vul)

Double with 20/22 pts

Bid 4C or 4D if suit.

pass 2S 3S


NB.  As opener, always bear in mind the vulnerability and that Left Hand Opponent could have

12 or more points and be waiting for developments!






Dlr: N
Vul: All
